Simone Biles’ Birth Mother Is Now Begging Her For Forgiveness: “Don’t Judge Me”

Olympic gymnast Simone Biles is surrounded by a strong support system, including her husband, Jonathan Owens.

Who hasn’t been around for Simone throughout her incredible life and career is her biological mother, Shanon Biles.

Her mother, who has now spoken out during an interview with Daily Mail, hopes her daughter will forgive her.

In a sitdown with the Daily Mail, Shanon, the biological mother of the gymnastics star, expressed hope that she and Simone could talk and she would be forgiven for the things she did in the past.

“I would like to make amends with Simone personally. I’m just waiting for her and Adria [Biles]. I speak to Adria more than I speak to Simone. I would just ask her to forgive me. Can we move forward? Don’t judge me on my past. Let’s move forward,” she said.

The 52-year-old had given up Simone and her younger sister, Adria, to their grandfather and grandmother, Ron and Nellie Biles, when the kids were just toddlers as she battled drug and alcohol addictions.

“I’m waiting for the opportunity, but I’m waiting on her to be able to come to me. Let’s sit down. I just have to be patient.”

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