Most voters believe Trump will make them richer, but they trust Harris more on the economy: poll

alk about mixed signals.

In a new poll, voters said they believe they’d be in better financial shape under former President Donald Trump than Vice President Kamala Harris — by a nine-point margin.

But, at the same time, a slight majority said they more faith in the veep to shepherd the US economy.

About 42% of registered voters felt they’d be “much” or “somewhat” better off if Trump wins in November — while 33% said the same about Harris, according to a survey by the Financial Times and the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.

Simultaneously, Harris narrowly eked out an advantage over Trump when it comes to trust on economic issues, 42% to 41%. It marks the first time the 45th president has been topped on the issue in the poll since tracking began about a year ago.

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