Cowboys Hall of Fame QB Troy Aikman Made It Clear Which Way He Leans Politically


ESPN’s Troy Aikman is not one who comes out to speak on political matters to avoid the backlash from social media.

Many over the years have thought that the former Dallas Cowboys quarterback might be a Republican since there was a previous report that he had donated more than $40,000 to Republican causes since 1999.

That was pretty much put to rest after Troy Aikman and Joe Buck were caught discussing pregame military flyovers in 2020 on a hot microphone.

During a Week 6 game between the Green Bay Packers and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Aikman and Buck were caught on a hot mic discussing the pregame military flyover as the QB gave props to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

AikmanThat’s a lot of jet fuel just to do a little flyover.

BuckThat’s your hard-earned money and your tax dollars at work!

AikmanThat stuff ain’t happening with [a] Kamala-Biden ticket. I’ll tell you that right now, partner.

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