Youth Basketball Player Under Police Investigation After Violently Stomping On Opponent’s Head During AAU Game (VIDEO)

Scenes turned ugly during a youth basketball game between Payton’s Palace and Tumakbo United on Sunday night, with one player stomping on another player’s head during the AAU event.

A member of Tumakbo United member captured footage showing the team’s player, Seth Guingam, catching a ball and getting knocked over by an opposing player. They begin scrambling for the ball on the floor when a third player gets involved and stomps Guingab’s head onto the court before a referee holds him.

Police are investigating the matter, while the aggressor has since been kicked off the Payton’s Place squad.

Roderick Guingab, the victim’s father, gave KTVU permission to share a video of the incident, which has since made it to other outlets.

You can see it right below:

It is unknown as to whether Seth has suffered injury or head trauma from the incident at the AAU game.


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