NFL Fans All Noticed The Same Strange Thing With Troy Aikman During Falcons-Eagles Monday Night Football Game


It’s Monday Night Football, so fans get to hear Troy Aikman and Joe Buck in the broadcasting booth.

For this night, the crew also welcomed former Philadelphia Eagles star Jason Kelce.

On this night, fans became incredibly distracted by the look of Troy Aikman.

While sporting his usual suit, fans couldn’t help but notice that his skin was looking weird.

Many fans took to social media and implored Troy Aikman to stop tanning too much or stay out of the sun because he looked sunburnt.

Aikman’s skin is a sensitive topic, as he once opened up about surviving a health scare in 1998.

While drying off after a shower, Troy Aikman spotted a small, dark spot on his upper back that he had never seen before.

“Quite honestly, I didn’t think a lot of it,” Troy explains. “I just knew it was different,” he said on the Rachael Ray show.

The pro football player visited his dermatologist for something completely different, so he decided to bring it up.

And after biopsy tests came back, the diagnosis was melanoma.

“I had no idea what melanoma was,” Troy admitted. “I got educated in a real hurry, and it scares you.”

“I was fortunate that they caught it really early,” he said.

Aikman, a retired NFL quarterback, may not have the best skin, but he stays in incredible shape for a 57-year-old man.



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