Chiefs’ Harrison Butker has a fitting reply to France mocking Christian beliefs with blasphemous rendition of The Last Supper at Olympics Opening Ceremony

The Paris Olympics 2024 Opening Ceremony had drag queens as part of the entertainment.

The Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics 2024 was as extravagant as it could get. The parade of athletes, the entertainment provided by artists, and the lighting effects on the Eiffel Tower, all of it enthralled fans and athletes alike. However, there was one presentation that caught Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker. The presentation was serious enough for him to talk about it.

The presentation in question was the depiction of The Last Supper. The Paris Olympics 2024 committee decided to field transgenders and drag queens to depict one of the most important aspects of Christianity.

As he was watching this at home, Butker recorded the event and gave his thoughts on the matter.

Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh, of the flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that soweth in the spirit, of the spirit shall reap life everlasting.

Quoting the Galatians chapter 6, verses 7-8. He essentially said that this was a mockery of God and Jesus, as Jesus was the one who had The Last Supper before being crucified.

Harrison Butker is a staunch Christian and has used his platform as an athlete to spread the word whenever possible. One such spreading of the word resulted in extreme backlash going his way. Women around the world were not happy with what he said at the graduation ceremony.

But this time, he might not be wrong. The use of drag queens to depict one of Christianity’s most important events was a mockery of sorts. The Olympics is supposed to unite all from every corner of the world. It seems Butker was not.


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